About Jane
Jane Michaele Cameron is in her second year of her PhD candidature at UNSW Art & Design in Sydney. Jane worked for many years in publishing as a graphic designer and illustrator specialising in books, and also taught in higher education in the fields of art and design theory and history. Earlier still, Jane studied fine arts, sculpture, and design at university and tech. Until recently Jane’s practice has focused on video and installation to explore themes of storytelling and distortion of memory. In this detail of ‘The ants go marching’ her love of drawing is used to explore possible future scenarios as directed by events relating to climate change in Australia. This idea was explored further in ANThropocene: embracing trouble, a short stop-motion film. These works speculate on the survival and future evolution of ants in a posthuman landscape. The ant obsession continues unabated in Jane’s current practice-based research project which investigates methods of mitigating eco-anxiety through applying principles of slow media and phenomenological affect to adopt an ant’s perspective, scale and visual senses.